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И.В. Долгова, Д.С. Мартынов


Гуманитарный вестник

# 3·2016


Nekotorye perspektivy rossiiskikh stankostroitelei [

Some of the prospects of the

Russian machine builders].

Metally I tseny — Metals and prices

. Available at:

(accessed April 13, 2016).

Dolgova I.V.


graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University.

Cand. Sci. (Eco-

nomics), Assoc. Professor of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University.


of several publications on economics, textbooks for students of engineering faculties,

bachelors and specialists. Author of teaching aids “Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship”,

“Introduction to Business: modern course of economic theory”, training programs on

economy, a special course “Business ethics and culture of an entrepreneur”. Research

interests include small business and features of its development in Russia, innovative

aspects of training engineers and technicians, import substitution in leading industries.


Martynov D.S.,

undergraduate of the Department of Metal-cutting lathes, Bauman

Moscow State Technical University. Research interests include automated design and

machines tests, intellectual complexes of management and diagnostics of machines.
