В.В. Бушуева, К.С. Самсонов, А.В. Севрюкова
History of cooperation of Bauman Moscow State Technical
University Rocket and Space Technology Faculty with space
industry enterprises and its effect on developing
students’ engineering practical skills
© V.V. Bushueva, K.S. Samsonov, A.V. Sevryukova
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia
The article profoundly explains the importance of training practical creative engineering
skills for fostering future specialists. The authors have tried and revealed the dramatic
role the close collaboration between Bauman Moscow State Technology University
Rocket and Space Technology Faculty and space industry enterprises plays in educating
students. The authors outline the history of formation of the faculty “Rocket and Space
Technology”, tell about stages of its development, and look into its collaboration with
enterprises. The article boasts the review of achievements in space technology Bauman
Moscow State Technical University students contributed to. It is worth noting that stu-
dents take active part in projects of the leading enterprise, S.P. Korolev Rocket and
Space Corporation “Energia”, solving both theoretical and practical problems. The au-
thors highlight the main factors of collaboration, which have considerable impact on
professional training of the students. The scrutiny of the topic contributes to the novelty
of the article. The readers will investigate Bauman Moscow State Technical University
traditions of training engineers through its history; explore the distinctive approaches
which have contributed to the development of the educational system the university is
distinguished by. The readers will appreciate the efficiency of integrated theoretical and
practical education for bringing up the future engineer.
collaboration, Rocket and Space Technology Faculty, space industry, practi-
cal skills, future engineer, S.P. Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation “Energia”, sys-
tem of training engineers.
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