В.Г. Родионова
Economics of Scarce Resources in Space Activities:
Effects and Problems of Efficiency
© V.G. Rodionova
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia
Economic resources invested in the space sector are a potential basis for future innova-
tions, and the overall technological and social progress. So far, the criteria or specific
indicators are not enough developed for realistic assessment of the diverse results in this
field and resource costs of its activities. It is well known that the true significance of the
results can appear in a more or less distant future, and the price of resources is known at
every moment of their consumption. Thus, methods of effectiveness evaluation do not
always coincide with the effects of the hit ratio of successful launches of carrier rockets
or manned space flights.
high technology, shortage of economic resources, innovation, space activities,
manufacturing, economic efficiency.
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V.G. graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Eco-
nomics. Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor at the Department of Eco-
nomic Science. Laureate of the Prize of Government of the Russian Federation (2002).
The author of electronic and paper publications of textbooks, “Macroeconomics” (2013)
and “Microeconomics” (2014). The author of еру elective course “Management of state
property”. Co-author of several textbooks in Economics, published by the Department of
Economic Sciences 1990-present; textbook “Microeconomics”, published 2004-present
by the Finance Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation. Research in-
terests: innovation and information technology, as a factor in the dynamic efficiency of
the economy. There are publications of 28 educational, methodical and scientific works.