Феномен национал-социализма - page 12

Л.В. Мокшанцев
National Socialism Phenomenon
© L.V. Mokshantsev
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia
The study reveals main causes behind the National Socialism. The author has paid par-
ticular attention to historical, socioeconomic, intellectual and socio-political factors
which contributed to development of this movement. The research has proved that the
National Socialism is not a mere revolt against reason, irrational movement of masses,
but it is a totalitarian revolution against the existing liberal bourgeois system. The issue
of Adolf Hitler’s role in success of the National Socialism remains controversial.
Treaty of Versailles, National Socialism, Aryan, Nietzsche, superman, will to
power, war.
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Mokshantsev L.V.
Ph. D., assoc. professor of the Philosophy Department at Bauman
Moscow State Technical University. Research interests: history of western philosophy, social
philosophy, psychoanalysis and studies of globalization. е-mail:
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