М.О. Меньшиков об инородцах - page 10

А.К. Толстенко
Aliens in the articles of Michail Menshikov
A.K. Tolstenko
Ваumаn Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia
The article deals with the publicism of Michail Menshikov — one of the conservative
thinkers of the early twentieth century, known for his criticism of non-titular nationalities
of the Russian Empire — “inorodtsi” (aliens). Scientific novelty of the study is in carry-
ing out an analysis of the phenomenon of Menshikov's negative attitude to strangers, in-
cluding his anti-Semitism, and in examining the problem of motivation for this attitude.
The research shows that Menshikov’s attitude to aliens was contradictory and ambigu-
ous. Although the most part of his articles was indeed characterized by ethno-national
negative rhetoric towards non-titular nationalities, quite rational and sometimes positive
assessment of aliens was hidden behind his external aggression. The study is helpful for
understanding the causes of everyday and political nationalism, as well as for preventing
ethnic conflicts.
M. Menshikov, nationalism, aliens, assimilation, the Russian nation, anti-
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[The Russian nationalism
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