Internet communications and transforming speech communication in the information society
Authors: Ivlev V.Yu., Kunyaeva M.Yu. | Published: 13.08.2024 |
Published in issue: #4(108)/2024 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2024-4-924 | |
Category: Noname | |
Keywords: speech communication, Internet communications, network communication, information society, social action, social synergetic, neural networks, artificial intelligence |
The paper presents results of a study in transforming speech communication in the modern society in the context of widespread use of the Internet and network communications and introduces interdisciplinary approach, social action concept and synergetic methodology. It establishes that speech communication is transforming in the digital environment, where the speech communication paraverbal and extraverbal subsystems are playing an increasingly important role along with the verbal subsystem. Differences between speech communication and speech behavior are identified, and their features in the digital environment are determined. The paper establishes positive consequences of changes in the speech communication due to the neural networks and artificial intelligence, as well as the negative consequences affecting the processes in constructing social reality, development of language and communication forms in the digital environment.
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