The state and problems of research work at humanitarian departments of a technical university
Authors: Akimova I.A. | Published: 28.01.2014 |
Published in issue: #1(15)/2014 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2014-1-146 | |
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Social sciences | |
Keywords: students’ research work, scientific students’ conferences, socio-humanitarian component, technical education, general cultural competence, professional competence |
The state and problems of students’ research work at Sociology and Cultural Studies Department of Bauman Moscow State Technical University are described. Modern national research universities have a number of requirements for the involvement of students into scientific research activity of core and non-core departments. Problems of organization and development of research on these departments are determined by their position and significance in educational process of a technical university.
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