
Cognitive science formation and development in the context of the information and computer revolution

Authors: Inozemtsev V.A., Lepskaya N.D. Published: 26.06.2024
Published in issue: #3(107)/2024  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2024-3-906  
Category: Noname  
Keywords: cognitive science, cognitive psychology, cognitive linguistics, cognitive psycholinguistics, cognitive revolution, cognitivism, information-computer revolution, knowledge representation

The paper presents a philosophical and methodological analysis of the cognitive sciences, such as cognitive psychology, cognitive linguistics, and cognitive psycholinguistics. Their development results in a cognitive revolution being one of the factors in formation of the scientific rationality post-non-classical type. It notes that cognitive revolution (or cognitive turn), as a scientific revolution, acts as one of the main approaches to the information and computer revolution being a modern version of the socio-technological revolution. Radical changes in the course of a cognitive revolution are leading to creation of the new integral cognitive knowledge paradigm, which presents results of the cognitive sciences, as well as of computer sciences and research in artificial intelligence quite close to them. The paper analyzes knowledge representation specifics in the cognitive sciences. It substantiates that the information-computer and cognitive revolutions are acting as the most important factors in construction of a new epistemological paradigm and methodology in knowledge research and representation in the modern science, especially in computer science, cognitive science and artificial intelligence.


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