
Philosophical and scientific analysis of the main obstacles in creative activity

Authors: Bushueva V.V., Bushuev N.N., Bobrov A.N. Published: 05.04.2024
Published in issue: #1(105)/2024  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2024-1-887  
Category: Noname  
Keywords: creative activity, social conditions, objective obstacles, subjective obstacles, creative personality, psychological inertia, rocket and space technology, individual activity, creative teams

The paper substantiates relevance of studying the obstacles in creative activity. It notes connection between obstacles and objective and subjective factors and shows the need to take into account three conditions when analyzing the objective factors. They include general level of the science and technology development, social conditions, and creative component of the individual. Contradictory nature of the social conditions meaning is noted. Principles of dogmatists, skeptics, and bureaucrats, who hinder the innovators, are provided. Their modern tricks and techniques are highlighted. Obstacles in the individual creative activity are considered. Significant obstacle is the psychological inertia. Collective forms of creative activity are weakening its influence. Main advantages of the activity collective forms are emphasized. A comparative analysis of the activity domestic and foreign collective forms is provided. It is emphasized that the activity collective forms do not completely exclude the obstacles, but they have their own characteristics in various forms of the collective creative activity. Novelty of this work lies in analyzing factors that impede implementation of the inventions and innovative projects in the rocket and space technology (RST) at the Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Some of the main obstacles to implementing the RST projects are provided; for example, the need for enormous resources, which makes it impossible to develop the alternative options. Long-term duration of implementing a project creates significant problems. Political and economic situation in the country and the world could hinder the development. Many other hindering factors in the RST are also noted.


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