
Drug trafficking as a social problem

Authors: Toropygina A.V. Published: 28.01.2014
Published in issue: #1(15)/2014  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2014-1-155  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Social sciences  
Keywords: drugs, danger, reasons, distribution of drugs, drug trafficking

The fight against drug trafficking has been and remains one of the most important problems of our time, which is troubling mankind for centuries. It must be emphasized that the problem of drug trafficking in all its forms and manifestations is a political issue. Drug trafficking is a global problem, since a wide range of participants profit. Every year addiction is increasingly developing in Russia and its effects are to be considered as the threat to national security. A lot of effort must be applied to solve this problem. So, it is necessary to identify the main reasons prerequisites illicit drugs. Such reasons may include economic, social, political, legal and other factors that are considered in detail in this article.

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