Narratives of social utopia
Authors: Khalutornykh O.N. | Published: 16.10.2023 |
Published in issue: #5(103)/2023 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2023-5-870 | |
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science | |
Keywords: social utopia, narrative, utopian discourse, social development scenarios, otherness, alternative world, utopian characters, criticism of the social development models |
Basic narratives of the utopian discourse (ideal society, personality, criticism of the existing political systems and institutions, values of equality, justice and rule of law) are the fundamental ideological constructs depending on the specific historical period, when the utopian work was created, and impose a significant impact on the management decision making and shaping the reality. The paper analyzes the utopian main discourse and describes features of the reference social models also containing criticism of the existing communities. Key elements constituting a utopian system (social institutions, political structures, economic relations, sociocultural values and norms) are identified, and their interaction algorithms influencing the utopia stability and effectiveness are considered as the significant actors in social alterations in the reality. It is proven that utopian narratives are playing an important role in formation of the public consciousness, offer alternative models of social organization, and express political and social ideals of various social groups. Importance of various utopian narratives in public discourse is emphasized inspiring dreamers, politicians, revolutionaries, theorists and management practitioners to reform the existing social models and implement the idea of a harmonious society.
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