
Ecobionics as a new paradigm in the humanity technological development

Authors: Kaganov Yu.T., Malinetsky G.G. Published: 16.10.2023
Published in issue: #5(103)/2023  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2023-5-868  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: ecobionics, bionics, technosphere, designing future, synergetics, universal evolutionism, artificial intelligence

The paper considers a problem of forming a new idea on the mankind technological development. This ides is associated with creation of a new scientific direction — ecobionics. Main characteristics of this area are presented. If bionics specializes in the industrial development tactics, ecobionics studies the strategy of transforming the technosphere and designing the future. The latter appears to be especially important. At the bifurcation point, where the mankind is staying right now, one of the approaches is associated with a rollback, i.e. repetition of the 20th century, when several world wars occurred. Ecobionics development and practical implementation of results of the research in this area are able to assist the mankind in avoiding a catastrophe in its historical development. Bionics scientific and methodological development could be based on the theory of self-organization or synergetics. Technosphere evolution is considered from the perspective of ecobionics. It is concluded that ecobionics, as a new metascience, raises fundamental problems on the possibility of the mankind further development as a population, and as a species. Research in this area makes it possible to take a fresh look at the principles of constructing the modern science. Based on the ideas of synergetics and the theory of self-organization, ecobionics provides the key to understanding possibilities for the mankind further technological development.

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