Formation of the ethnic identity concept and ethnic identity actualization in the modern world
Authors: Ivlev V.Yu., Inozemtsev V.A., Ivleva M.L. | Published: 16.10.2023 |
Published in issue: #5(103)/2023 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2023-5-867 | |
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science | |
Keywords: identification, identity, ethnic identity, social identity, information society, ethnic revival |
The paper presents analysis of forming the ethnic identity concept in ethnology, psychology, sociology and other scientific disciplines. It was established that the identity concept was initially formed in psychology, including psychoanalysis, and in various areas of the social psychology. Later, it was formalized in ethnology and the related sciences as the ethnic identity concept. Two groups of causes for the ethnic identity actualization in the modern world were identified. They include: 1) internal personal factors that determine ethnic self-identification, algorithms of behavior, communication and relationship within the ethnic community; 2) external social factors that determine the ethnic group behavioral strategies and activities based on the traditional forms of culture, common history, and established way of life. Various types, functions and levels of the ethnic identity were analyzed. A conclusion was made that under the information society conditions, no other identification dispositions of social subjects other than the ethnic are localized in the social space of the individual life activities, which becomes an objective basis in the ethnic identity actualization.
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