
Collective forms of technical creativity in domestic and foreign practices: philosophical and scientific analysis

Authors: Bushueva V.V., Bushuev N.N., Bobrov A.N. Published: 11.05.2023
Published in issue: #3(101)/2023  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2023-3-842  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: individual creativity, collective forms, rocket and space industry , S.P. Korolev, creative activity, foreign practices, creative groups, psychological inertia, experiment, creativity

The paper substantiates relevance of analyzing the collective forms in technical creativity. The current economic situation requires faster and more efficient results. Individual activities do not meet these criteria. Work of the creative team led by S.P. Korolev is considered. Its effectiveness and significant contribution to the rocket and space industry development are emphasized. It is noted that Korolev formed the creative team based on intuition. His personal qualities, creative and organizational abilities are highlighted. When forming a team of like-minded people, he was able to see creative features in each employee and use them, but such brilliant personalities are rare. Therefore, the paper notes the need to develop methods for the forms of organization and operation of the collective creative activity. The presence of significant number of similar methods in the foreign practices is noted. Main provisions of the two most common variants of these methods developed by French researchers Guy Aznar and Colette Mathieu-Batsch are presented. Their advantages and limitations are shown. It is emphasized that currently creative teams or creative groups are working in all industries. An experiment was organized on the use of foreign methods taking into account adjustments to these conditions in two student groups at two faculties of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Sufficiently high efficiency of introducing these methods is noted. Their significance is justified by formation of creative and practical skills in engineering. This makes it possible to train future engineers, who are able to quickly get involved in design and development of modern technology immediately after graduation from the University. At the end, conclusions are drawn and recommendations are presented.

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