
Federalism and civilizational-imperial paradigm of development of Russia

Authors: Granin Yu.D. Published: 28.02.2023
Published in issue: #1(99)/2023  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2023-1-821  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: state, empire, confederation, republics, Russia, federation, federalism, civilization

The paper analyses the basic principles of federalism and the main transformation stages of the state structure of the Russian Federation (1992–2022). During this period, the country evolved from the cooperative federalism model, i. e. the treaty federation, to the centralized federation model. This model should not be considered as an attempt to return to a unitary state. It gravitates toward specific use of the foralistic federalism model and fits perfectly into the imperial development paradigm being characteristic for Russia. The model is often interpreted as the outdated form of political existence. This widespread belief is based on the ideologically biased and prejudiced understanding of such complicated forms of political organization as empires. It is proved that federal empires are the adequate forms of development for large multi-ethnic communities and civilizations spread.

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