
Socio-philosophical aspects of human robotization, or “woe from wit”

Authors: Kavinova I.P. Published: 03.11.2022
Published in issue: #5(97)/2022  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2022-5-803  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: teenager, mental epidemic, artificial intelligence, V. Pelevin, immortalism, transhumanism, T. Hoffmann, A. Chizhevsky, V. Bekhterev, android robots

Human robotization is considered as a dangerous form of standardization of the person’s consciousness and behavior. Possible risks to the teenager (adolescent) psychology existence in the Internet space in the given pattern forms of behavior are identified, including belief in one’s exclusivity, uncritical attitude towards authorities and limited educational horizon. Inculcation and self-hypnosis, contagiousness and impulsivity in behavior are among these risks; however, the main danger lies in the use of adolescent thinking as the fertile soil for mass robotization of all humanity acting as a given archetype of behavior not criticized by the individual I-consciousness. The paper notes mental epidemics that in the modern world are having their own specifics connected to standardization of the personal consciousness and easily developed into psychopathic pandemics. The paper main objective is to focus on those dangers that arise in the artificial intelligence field.

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