
Social cognition as a methodological problem

Authors: Antipina A.S. Published: 11.10.2019
Published in issue: #5(79)/2019  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2019-5-624  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: methodology, social cognition, social theory, empirical level, theoretical level, metatheory, social philosophy

The paper focuses on the problems of methodology of social and humanitarian cognition in modern times. In the context of correlation of the subject and methodological plans of science, there was carried out the analysis which takes into account the specifics of the approaches of sociological disciplines and subdisciplines to the problems of the theory of cognition. The study shows that to distinguish between social philosophizing and individual sociological disciplines, it is appropriate to talk about their subject specification; as applied to general sociology, such a distinction is not correct, since the subject of the latter is the society itself in its systematic nature. The problematization of the theory of science, its methodological tools, and the method of interpreting the object, carried out within the framework of socio-philosophical discourse, raises social philosophy to the level of metatheory. Therefore, the very methods of describing the society by the social sciences, rather than the society as a system, are the subject of socio-philosophical consideration, and the goal is to critically rethink their basic assumptions.

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