
Friedrich Nietzsche and Knut Hamsun: the Apollonian and Dionysian in the works

Authors: Perepechina A.S., Matyushova M.P. Published: 19.06.2019
Published in issue: #3(77)/2019  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2019-3-606  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: aesthetics, the Dionysian, the Apollonian, philosophy of life, Hellenism, literature of internal motivation, Nietzsche, Hamsun

The paper focuses on the comparative analysis of F. Nietzsche’s philosophical concept and the Norwegian writer K. Hamsun’s concept on the relation between the “Apollonian” and “Dionysian” in culture. Both of the aesthetic categories introduced by F. Nietzsche refer us to the ancient Greek mythology by the images of the gods Apollo and Dionysus, and at the same time allow us to determine the place of every cultural phenomenon, regardless of the historical context. F. Nietzsche’s aesthetics gets a “second wind” in the works of the Norwegian writer K. Hamsun, where the pantheistic attitude to the world is revised as the genuine and necessary and calls to return to the human primary nature

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