
Transformation of hyperreality: from a constructive society to a deconstructive society

Authors: Karimov R.N. Published: 17.08.2018
Published in issue: #8(70)/2018  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2018-8-541  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: reality, premodern hyperreality, modern hyperreality, postmodern hyperreality, social dynamics, economics, power, metanarrative

The paper gives an overview of the concepts of premodern hyperreality, modern hyperreality and postmodern hyperreality. We consider the relationship between a historical transition from one type of hyperreality to another and a transformation of power relations, economic relations and the relations between the human being and the natural reality. We show the process of transitioning from the premodern hyperreality to the modern hyperreality and then to the postmodern hyperreality. The premodern hyperreality is the relationship between a human being and a supernatural reality that is primarily defined by religious doctrines and in its turn defines the format of power and economic relations, as well as the general worldview of the pre-industrial society. The modern hyperreality is a field of metanarratives defining the worldview along with the power and economic relations in the modernist age, and even the world of today. The postmodern hyperreality is a virtual reality field linked to the online community, which enables traditional power and economic relations to be deformed and defragmented

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