
Historical and sociological analysis of notional content in the concept of giftedness

Authors: Ivleva M.L. Published: 16.04.2018
Published in issue: #4(66)/2018  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2018-4-516  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: concept, giftedness, conceptualisation, ancient stage, religion and ethics stage, empirical stage, protoscientific stage, holistic stage

The study aims at investigation of the process of creating a concept in the context of accumulating and enriching its ideological content with new meanings, using the concept of giftedness as an example. We define the nature of the concept and how it is different from other types of thought, such as the idea, the representation, the image, the concept in cultural linguistics. We used the principles and methods of historical, social and cultural, and comparative analyses. In particular, we defined the object of our research by employing the principle of differentiating between the theory and the concept. Historical analysis provided the basis for determining and characterising the following five basic stages, or ways of conceptualisation, of giftedness: the ancient one, the religion and ethics one, the empirical one, the protoscientific one (from the standpoint of specific social sciences) and the holistic one (within the framework of scientific psychology).

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