
Perfect characteristic of the head of the state of the XXI century in Russia and beyond: philosophical analysis

Authors: Nekhamkin A.N., Nekhamkin V.A. Published: 22.03.2018
Published in issue: #2(64)/2018  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2018-2-507  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: head of a state, ruler, conditions of the era, necessary merits of the head of a state, Russia

The article considers some of the merits of heads of the states, claimed by the socio-historical practice of the 21st century. On the basis of the author's concept of "conditions of the era" characterizing the set of requirements for the ruler determined by the trends generated by social dynamics the consideration of the personal merits necessary for the modern leader of the country begun in the previous article is continued. The following characteristics are analyzed: personal health, peacefulness, the ability to manage the armed forces, the convergence the politician’s and scientist’s activities (up to their merging in the historical perspective). These merits are studied systematically, taking into account both Russian and foreign experience.

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