
Social imbalances: the nature, structure, causes, background

Authors: Bagrova E.V. Published: 06.07.2017
Published in issue: #8(58)/2017  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2017-8-460  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: imbalance, development, crisis, stability, conditions

The article shows that the structural crisis of social imbalances is coincident disagreement between trends and various quantitative and qualitative indicators measuring the society development, the preponderance of certain groups of people or types of productive activity, as well as a certain state of society. A combination of internal and external contradictions of this society does not allow it to develop in a predictable way. The main reasons for the formation and development of the current structural crisis of social imbalances are identified: transformation and distortion of information flows; the contradiction between the need and the rejection of industrial production; the gap between the actual utility of things and their estimated value; the priority realization of the values of capitalist formation representatives, protection of positions through latent or explicit discrimination.

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