
Philosophy and science on the nature of secondary qualities

Authors: Gubanov N.N., Gubanov N.I. Published: 07.11.2016
Published in issue: #11(49)/2016  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2016-11-400  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: primary qualities, secondary qualities, sensory modalities, image projection, symbolic elements of images

We provide an option to possibly solve the problem of primary and secondary qualities, which is still unclear even after many centuries, based on the following: the concept of sensory cognition considered as a process possessing both imagery content and a symbolic form, the concept having been developed with the help of data obtained by specific sciences; the law of peculiar properties of sense organs; and the law of spatial sensory image projection. We suggest abandoning the concept of "secondary qualities" and replacing it with an equivalent concept of "symbolic elements of sensory images".

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