
The philosophy of conservative liberalism as a doctrine of the unity of the socio-cultural traditions and creativity of the individual

Authors: Kurilov S.N. Published: 23.05.2016
Published in issue: #4(42)/2016  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2016-4-358  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: conservative liberalism, socio-cultural traditions, creativity of the individual, dues, fairness, freedom, law, civil society, social being

The article states the idea that the traditional understanding of liberalism and conservatism as alternative models of social and political development gave way to their synthesis. The synthetic principle of unity of the individual and society is analyzed. The principle is the basis of the concept of conservative liberalism as the most equitable sociopolitical system. The thesis of realistic ideological position is substantiated. The meaning of it is the impossibility to create the ideal social and political conditions.

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