
From the history of engineering education in Russia

Authors: Suzdaleva T.R., Fedorov K.V. Published: 23.05.2023
Published in issue: #3(101)/2023  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2023-3-847  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Historical Sciences and Archaeology  
Keywords: Department of Empress Maria, charity, Craft Educational Institution, Imperial Technical School, Ministry of Public Education, higher technical education, engineers

On the example of the Imperial Moscow Technical School, the paper studies formation process of the engineering education. The Moscow Craft Educational Institution (MCEI) was founded in 1830. It was originally intended to teach crafts to the orphans from the Moscow Orphanage and belonged to the Department of Institutions of Empress Maria. However, due to the ever-increasing level of education, it went beyond the scope of a charitable institution. In 1868, the MCEI was renamed to the Imperial Moscow Technical School (IMTU) and acquired the status of a higher technical educational institution. Although, it continued to be subordinate to the Department of Institutions of Empress Maria and was financed by it. Alteration in the educational institution development vector caused discontent with the officials of the IV Department of the Imperial Chancellery, who raised the question of returning the IMTU to its original position or even closing it. Finally, the fate of the Technical School was decided by the Special Meeting convened on June 20 (July 2), 1887 by the will of Alexander III, which decided to transfer the IMTU to the Ministry of Public Education. This decision not only allowed the Imperial Moscow Technical School to rise to a higher level, but also played an important role in the engineering education development in Russia.

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