
On the role of P.L. Chebyshev’s mechanism models in the history of science and technology

Authors: Yershov B.A., Kuteeva G.A., Tarabarin V.B. Published: 14.12.2015
Published in issue: #1(39)/2016  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2016-1-330  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Historical Sciences and Archaeology  
Keywords: P.L. Chebyshev’s mechanisms and their models, learning process, international exhibitions, artifact of the history of science and technology, modern educational technology

The article considers P.L. Chebyshev's mechanisms and their models, preserved in the departments and in the museums of St. Petersburg State University and BMSTU, the history of creation and manufacturing machinery, its routes to collection, the current state, and application in the educational process in the XIX century and nowadays. The international exhibitions where these models and mechanisms were shown are specified; the diplomas and medals awarded are mentioned. The information about the assignment of certificates "Artifact of the history of science and technology" to several considered mechanisms by the Expert Council under the Polytechnic Museum is presented. The role of P.L. Chebyshev's models and mechanisms in the modern educational technology, the promotion and dissemination of scientific knowledge is emphasized.

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