
"Industrial Empire" of S. Maltsov as an object of everyday culture

Authors: Vishnevskaya S.N., Zhukova E.N. Published: 15.04.2015
Published in issue: #4(30)/2015  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2015-4-241  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Cultural Studies  
Keywords: industrial environment, domestic industry, socially oriented economics, Kaluga province

The activities of a famous Russian manufacturer Sergey Ivanovich Maltsov (1810-1893) who founded the unique industrial environment in the Kaluga province have been scientifically analyzed. Maltsov' industrial environment was distinguished for its developed infrastructure, complex production, and high level of workers' education. Maltsov's merit was that in addition to developing domestic industry relied on the achievements of European science and technology adapted to Russian conditions he was the first to create a socially-oriented economy, aimed at improving the life of the workers themselves. A significant part of the article is devoted to a detailed study of the situation of workers in the industrial district, the description of their daily lives. Particular attention is paid to S.I. Maltsov' ideas, achievements and lifestyle as well as estimation of his activities by the contemporaries.

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