Pandemic consequences for the Russian business: types and mechanisms of its adaptation
Authors: Kunaev M.A. | Published: 05.04.2024 |
Published in issue: #1(105)/2024 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2024-1-891 | |
Category: Noname | |
Keywords: adaptation, pandemic, consequences, organizational adaptation, support measures, business, Russian companies, factors, adaptation mechanisms |
The paper investigates consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic affecting the Russian companies, which led them to the need for an adaptation response, as well as types and mechanisms of the Russian business adaptation. Changes in the external environment caused by the pandemic were comparatively analyzed, their impact on the Russian business development was shown, and a set of measures taken in the Russian Federation at the level of government, regions and companies was considered. Economic, institutional, scientific-technological and scientific-educational, organizational and sociocultural factors that influenced adaptive response of the Russian business and alteration in priorities of the Russian companies were identified and structured. Types of adaptation actions by the Russian companies and adaptation mechanisms to the impact of crisis caused by the pandemic were determined. A conclusion was made on the need for further research in the level of the adaptation measures efficiency.
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