National concept “la Patria” in Spanish periodicals
Authors: Zolotareva I.V., Karagina A.R. | Published: 29.06.2021 |
Published in issue: #3(89)/2021 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2021-3-727 | |
Category: Technological aspects of the engineering education | Chapter: Philology. Linguistics | |
Keywords: concept “homeland”, conceptosphere, Spanish culture, Spanish language, Spanish periodicals, national identity |
Through the analysis of Spanish periodicals, the paper studies the generative concept “la Patria”, which means “homeland” in Spanish, in the Spanish language. This concept plays an important role in the formation of national identity. Being the key elements of thinking, concepts help explore culture and society, in this case, those of Spain. The main attention is paid to two levels of implementation of the concept “homeland”: nuclear and peripheral. We considered one of the articles of the Spanish magazine “El País”, analyzed it for the presence of the concept “la Patria” and its central meanings, the frequency of its use, semantic correspondence, the level of meaningful disclosure, the level of language provision, as well as the presence of conceptual units outside the core of meanings. This study aims to analyze the cultural characteristics of the Spanish nation through the prism of the conceptosphere.
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