Innovation priorities for the Russian educational system
Authors: Opletina N.V. | Published: 01.09.2015 |
Published in issue: #8(34)/2015 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2015-8-297 | |
Category: Technological aspects of the engineering education | Chapter: Pedagogics | |
Keywords: human capital, innovative development, modernization of education, innovative educational environment of the University |
The article analyzes the problem areas and the potential of reforming the system of higher professional education for the purposes of the innovation society. It is shown that the innovation economy sets forth the specific requirements for human factor as the most important resource, the potential of which is largely determined by the level of education of the population. It is shown that the internal environment of the University is a required component of innovation, which determines the effectiveness and dynamics of modernization processes.
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