
Problems of the Russian economy transformation

Authors: Devlet-Geldy G.K., Myasnikova N.V. Published: 05.03.2014
Published in issue: #2(16)/2014  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2014-2-165  
Category: Economic and legal problems of engineering education | Chapter: Economics  
Keywords: transformation of the Russian economy, structural and technological modernization, technological breakthrough, raw material-oriented economy, public-private partnership, imported food dependency

The article deals with the problems of transforming the Russian economy. The study stresses the role of the state in reviving the domestic industry and scientific and technological progress of the country. The attention is drawn to the priority directions in accelerating the economic growth and structural technological economic modernization, i. e. the increase of radio-electronic industry in the concept of public-private partnership, rejection of raw material-oriented economy in favor of the revival of traditional manufacturing industries, supporting agriculture in order to preserve the food independence of the country.

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