
Racial–ethnic balance of civilizations

Authors: Granin Yu.D. Published: 26.06.2024
Published in issue: #3(107)/2024  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2024-3-909  
Category: Noname  
Keywords: West decollectivization, empire, race, racial realism, civilization, ethnos

The paper proposes the author’s vision of civilizations and their structure based on the socio-constructivist understanding of the history of humanity. It shows that maintaining the racial–ethnic balance in population structure of the civilization entities (states-civilizations) is a significant factor in their evolution or decline. Specific historical examples prove positive significance of the empires as the best political form in the civilization emergence, development and propagation over the large territories. The paper provides comparative analysis of the racial realism and racial diversity concepts, their advantages and disadvantages are identified. It substantiates the need to maintain racial-ethnic balance in the modern states-civilizations. The paper concludes that violation of this balance in the EU and the USA contributes to the West decollectivization, and in the more distant future – to degradation of the entire Euro-Atlantic civilization.


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