
Socio-philosophical aspect of postmodernism and scientific eclectics

Authors: Kavinova I.P. Published: 07.05.2024
Published in issue: #2(106)/2024  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2024-2-903  
Category: Noname  
Keywords: postmodernism, eclecticism, rhizome, dialogism, meanings, myth, preun-derstanding, hermeneutics, teleonomy, P. Ricoeur

The paper considers the origins of metamodernism. The idea is substantiated that postmodernism is not only generated by hermeneutics of the XX century, but is itself one of the options and a branch in the hermeneutic game with meanings. The following hermeneutics features are distinguished: dialogism, mythology and intuitivism. Deep origins are emphasized in considering the world as the unique large text by the philosophers, who are supporting the Eleatic principle of the thinking and being identities. Meaningful connection between the modern evolutionary concept in science and such a capacious concept in metamodernism as the rhizome is revealed. The paper shows that science today is a special kind of sociality in the form of a unique large text with interweaving meanings and intersection of various problems being isomorphically constructed on the boundaries of the closely related areas of knowledge. A conclusion is made on the scientific eclecticism productivity in science development as a whole despite the ambiguity and risks of the postmodern tendencies present in it.


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