
Main sections of the banking philosophy

Authors: Zubov V.V., Ivlev V.Yu., Oseledchik M.B. Published: 07.05.2024
Published in issue: #2(106)/2024  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2024-2-901  
Category: Noname  
Keywords: banking philosophy, ontology, epistemology, cultural studies, axiology, ethics, sociology, praxeology, anthropology, phenomenology

The paper shows that banking philosophy is an integral part of economics philosophy and social philosophy in general. Therefore, the same sections could be distinguished as part of the banking philosophy that are characterizing economics philosophy and social philosophy. Characteristics and features of such sections of the banking philosophy are provided and include ontology, epistemology, cultural studies, axiology, ethics, sociology, praxeology, anthropology and phenomenology. These sections are parts of the economics philosophy ideas in their content and appear to be their special cases as applied specifically to banking, i.e. an important functional subsystem of the economy. The paper emphasizes that banking is a socio-economic phenomenon that has both the ontological and epistemological status, since like any activity it possesses both the objective and subjective nature, which includes manifestation of the will, knowledge and social attitudes by the economically active strong-resource actors. It indicates that banking could be interpreted as a secondary semiotic system based on the social concepts.


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