
On the issue of banking philosophy

Authors: Zubov V.V., Ivlev V.Yu., Oseledchik M.B. Published: 05.04.2024
Published in issue: #1(105)/2024  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2024-1-888  
Category: Noname  
Keywords: economics, bank, banking system, banking, philosophy of economics, banking philosophy, social institution

Banking is an integral part of the economy; therefore, philosophy of economics should include such an area as the banking philosophy, which was never developed by anyone. The bank is a social institution, and it performs not only a set of purely professional, but also a lot of social functions. Due to this circumstance, organization, forms, principles and mechanisms of the bank functioning are largely determined by the development level of the commodities-money exchange and the entire economy of the society, as well as by history and culture of a particular society including its value guidelines, ethnic, religious and geographical features. Banking philosophy includes analysis of the basic concepts, ideas and principles of banking, its historically established and evolving forms and mechanisms. This makes it possible to distinguish main issues in this area of the social philosophy.


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