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Факторы роста конкурентоспособности и новые технологические платформы

Гуманитарный вестник

# 12·2016 19

Factors of competitiveness growth and new technology

platforms in domestic power industry

© V.G. Rodionova, T.V. Krupnova

Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia

The article discusses the aspects of increasing competitiveness of Russian companies in

the energy sector. It is noted that due to the market conditions the traditional exclusive

domestic electric power companies acquire the updated status of monopoly-competitive

structures. The views of industry analysts and representatives of generating companies

participating in the competitive process are considered. It is concluded that the increase

in the competitiveness of industrial companies is a natural and positive process, which

future prospects are determined by the benefits of innovative solutions in the framework

of formed technical and technological platforms and their implementation in practice of

the energy sector.


base load, externalities, closed fuel cycle, competitiveness, monopoly-

competitive structures, comparative advantage, disposal of waste, industrial and radio-

active waste, energy balance



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