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К.С. Самсонов, А.В. Севрюкова, Т.И. Кузнецова


Гуманитарный вестник

# 10·2016

Increasing the system efficiency of the control

over the innovative material developmen

© K.S. Samsonov, A.V. Sevrukova, T.I. Kuznetsova

Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia

The article discusses the problem of optimization of production costs by increasing the

efficiency of control and diagnostic operations in the development and manufacture of

new innovative materials. Two alternatives of reliability structural schemes are consid-

ered for the corresponding mathematical models of assessing the quality of the product.

The role of implementing technological innovations in production and the need of choos-

ing the optimal product quality control structure at all stages of the product life cycle in

order to ensure effective economic indicators is emphasized.


technical innovations, reduction of costs, control and diagnostic operations,

product competitiveness.



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