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Г.К. Девлет-Гельды, М.М. Горлова


Гуманитарный вестник

# 10·2017

Mega-trend in the development of Russia

and the world economy in the coming decades

© G.K. Devlet-Geldy, M.M. Gorlova

Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia

The article considers the forecast of development of world economies for the next dec-

ades. Risks affecting the redistribution of forces and trends in the development of the

modern world leaders are justified.

The place and role of Russia in the world community

in 2030 are shown on the basis of an analysis of key macroeconomic indicators. The

conditions for the successful Russian economy development and the transition to an inno-

vative development path are considered, i.e., diversification of the economy and exports,

reduction of power consumption and competitive growth of enterprises, creating new

innovation centers and educational clusters, implementation of the National Technology

Initiative, the priority project in the field of education “Universities as centers of innova-

tion space”.


world ranking, nominal GDP, per capita GDP, features of the Chinese econ-

omy, features of the North American economy, scenarios for long-term development of

Russia, new technological structure



Tablitsa VVP po stranam mira na 2016 god [Table of world GDP in 2016].


rez ternii k zvezdam

Through the thorns to the stars

. Available at: (acces

sed June 06, 2017).


VVP po PPS stran mira za 2016 god [GDP of world countries by PPP for 2016].


Available at: 2016-god.html (

accessed June 8, 2017).


Spisok stran po VVP na dushu naseleniya 2016 [The list of countries by GDP per

capita in 2016].

Shkola investora — Investor's School

. Available at:


VVP na dushu naseleniya v Rossii 2017 [The Gross Domestic Product per capita in

Russia in 2017].

Available at: dusu-naselenia-v-rossii

(accessed June 1, 2017).


Prognoz ekonomicheskogo razvitiya stran mira na period s 2015 po 2028 gody:

mezhdunarodnye sravneniya.

[Forecast of economic development of the world

countries for the period from 2015 to 2028: international comparisons].


PROVED informatsionno-analiticheskoe setevoe izdanie — IAI PROVED:

information-analytical network publication

s. Available at:




pepiod-s-2015-po-2028-gody-mezhdunapodnye-spavneniya.html (accessed April

15, 2017).


Prognoz: 10 samykh krupnykh ekonomik v 2030 godu [Forecast: 10 largest

economies in 2030].

Vesti. Ekonomika — News. Economics

. Available at:

(accessed May 25, 2017).


Prognoz dolgosrochnogo sotsialno-ekonomicheskogo razvitiya Rossiyskoy

Federatsii do 2030 goda [Projection of long-term socio-economic development of

the Russian Federation until 2030].

Ministerstvo ekonomicheskogo razvitiya