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Инновационные технологии и альтернативная энергетика плавучих электростанций

Гуманитарный вестник

# 9·2017 15


Atzhanov R., Shtrombakh Ya. Ot revolyutsii k evolyutsii [From a revolution towards


V mire nauki. Spetsvypusk k 70-letiyu atomnoy otrasli Rossii

[In the

World of Science, Scientific American Russian edition: special issue dedicated to the

70th anniversary of the Russian nuclear power industry]. 2015, p. 31.


Emelyanenko A.

Rossiyskaya Gazeta — Russian Gazette


2016, no. 206.

Available at:

ispytyvat-novyj-tip-vetriaka.html (accessed March 15, 2017).


Vetrovye plavayushchie elektrostantsii Hywind

[Hywind floating power


Science Debate. Available at:

floating-power-plants/ (accessed February

02, 2017).

Rodionova V.G.

graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of

Economics; Cand. Sc. (Econ.), Assoc. Professor, Department of Economics and Busi-

ness, Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Laureate of the Prize of the Gover-

ment of the Russian Federation (2002). Author of 12 scientific publications and 38 educa-

tional and methodological works, including the following two manuals: Macroeconomics

(2013), Micro- and macroeconomics (2015), as well as an elective course in Management

of State Property (2001). Co-author of the Economics textbook published since 1990 by

the Department of Economics and Business, Bauman Moscow State Technical Universi-

ty, as well as the Microeconomics textbook published since 2004 by the Financial Acad-

emy under the Government of the Russian Federation. Specializes in innovation, infor-

mation technology, and public importance of the space industry, economics, industry and

high technology. е-mail: