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Индивидуальные инвестиционные счета — новый инструмент российского

Гуманитарный вестник

# 3·2016 13


Estimating strong and weak sides of a new financial in-

strument, and also efforts of the financial block of the Government of the

Russian Federation directed to increase of efficiency of use of IIS, we be-

lieve that the number of owners of investment accounts will gradually in-

crease. Inflow of investments on stock market will make positive impact

on economic growth and increase of welfare of the population. Tax deduc-

tions will increase appeal of individual investment accounts and will in-

crease a domestic investment demand. The population realizes an econom-

ic benefit of IIS: even if operations with securities won't make the ex-

pected profit, the income in a type of 13 % of investments at the choice of

a deduction of type "A" will be provided. Expansion of a line of products

of the financial market will motivate the population to increase financial

literacy. Accumulation of long-term investments in stock market will re-

duce dependence of the Russian economy on foreign investments.



Osnovnye napravleniya razvitiya i obespecheniya stabilnosti funktsionirovaniya

finansovogo rynka RF na period 2016–2018. Tsentralnyi bank Rossiiskoy


The main directions of development and stability of functioning of

the Russian financial market for the period 2016-2018. The Central Bank of the

Russian Federation


Available at:

(accessed March

30, 2016).


Individualny investitsionny schet — novatsya dlya roznichnykh investorov v



— The individual investment account - an innovation for retail

investors in Russia.

National Association of Securities Market Participants.

Available at:

(accessed March

15, 2016).


Salaschenko A.

Est lish odna prichina, pochemu vy ne otkryli IIS. Finansovaya

gramotnost i finansy —

There is only one reason why you did not open the

Individual Investment Account. Financial literacy and finances.

Available at:

905-est-lish-odna-prichina-pochemu-vy-ne-otkryli-iis (accessed March 23,



Ofitsialnaya statistika. Rynok truda, zanyatost i zarabotnaya plata. Federalnaya

sluzhba gosudarstvennoy statistiki — Official statistics. The labor market,

employment and wages. Federal State Statistics Service.

Available at:

(accessed April 10, 2016).


Rosstat: srednyaya pensiya v Rossii.

— Russia’s state statistics:


average pension.

Vesti. ru

. Available at:


(accessed March 4, 2016).


V Gosdumu RF vnositsya zakonoproekt ob uvelichenii do 1 mln rublei

pervonachalnogo vznosa na IIS.


— Th

e State Duma introduced a bill

to increase up to 1 million rubles the initial contribution to the Individual

Investment Account.

National Association of Securities Market Participants.

Available at:

(accessed April 4, 2016).