Г.К. Девлет-Гельды, А.А. Армидонова
Гуманитарный вестник
# 3·2016
Individual investment accounts as a new tool
of the Russian financial market
© G.K. Devlet-Geldy, A.A. Armidonova
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia
The article considers a new product of long-term fund investments of the population –
individual investment account. We describe its features, show strength and weakness;
give schemes of investment tax incentives:
a deduction for the amount of the annual con-
tribution to an individual investment account and exemption from payment of income tax
The article reports on
forecasts and prospects for promotion of individual investment
accounts in the Russian financial market
financial market, personal investment account, tax deductions, investment
The financial market — is the most important sector of the Russian
economy on which depends increase of global competitiveness of Russia,
acceleration of economic growth, implementation of long-term investment
projects, increase of level and quality of life of the population. However
now the financial market of the Russian Federation can't compete with the
financial markets of the developed countries. According to the World eco-
nomic forum which annually determines a rating of the countries by the
leading economic indicators on a factor "Development of the financial
market" Russia takes the 95th place from 140 possible, on a factor "Pro-
tection of minority investors in the financial market" — the 66th place.
The world bank estimating the level of protection of minority investors on
10 to a mark scale has appropriated to Russia 5,7 points in this rating that
is significantly lower than a rating of not only economically developed
countries of the Common economic space, but also BRICS countries. These
circumstances as recognizes the Bank of Russia, [1] indicate acceptances of
the effective measures directed to increase of efficiency and stability of the
financial market in general and protection of minority investors in particular.
Now the vulnerable parties of the financial market are insufficiency of
sources of financing both from private and corporate investors, and from
the state, the low level of corporate management the infrastructure organi-
zations, the high level of abuses in the financial sphere. But the main prob-
lem of the financial market consists in the fact that the population of the
country prefers to store the savings in commercial banks in the form of the
deposits combining high interest rates, reliability of deposit insurance by
the state and the habitualness and availability of this banking product re-
maining from Soviet period. The relation of deposits of the population to
GDP has made 27,2 % in the end of 2015. The Bank of Russia considers
this indicator rather low even in comparison with such developing coun-
tries as Chile (47,6 %), the Republic of South Africa (39,9 %), Indonesia