Л.В. Мокшанцев
© L.V. Mokshantsev
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia
The emergence of synergetics has been still ambiguously perceived in the scientific com-
munity. Some people talk about synergetics as a new paradigm in natural sciences, social
sciences and humanities, others on the contrary see nothing new in this science compar-
ing to the modern theory of nonlinear oscillations and waves. There are people believing
it to be only a rallying point and nothing more and expressing bewilderment about un-
healthy excitement caused by a new direction. Finally, the fourth consider synergetics to
be a new philosophy. Such a wide range of opinions allow us also to make some judg-
ments about some features of synergetics and its relationship with other sciences.
synergetics, entropy, self-organizing, open systems, accident, bifurcation,
frustration, complexity, chaos, virtual future
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Mokshantsev L.
, Ph. D., assoc. professor of the Philosophy Department at
Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Research interests: history of western
philosophy, social philosophy, psychoanalysis and studies of globalization. e-mail: